Surgical Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder rehabilitation is one of our physical therapists specialties. The shoulder is the most complex and flexible joint in the human body which leaves it highly susceptible to injury. Oftentimes when a patient acquires an injury to the shoulder region physical therapy is prescribed as a treatment option before the decision is made to undergo surgery. Most shoulder surgeries are effectively performed using the arthroscopic method which is when the surgeon inserts a scope into the shoulder through a small puncture wound. Once the scope is inserted the surgeon is able to see inside of the shoulder on a monitor and will begin to perform the repair work by inserting the tools through one or more small puncture wounds. Some of the most common shoulder surgeries are, rotator cuff repairs, laberal tear repairs, shoulder instability and shoulder replacements. Although these are all very different surgeries, the rehabilitation process will encompass a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises that will target specific muscles and tendons in the shoulder. There are different phases of the rehabilitation process, which will designate what type of exercises the patient can perform. Rehabilitation after shoulder surgery is often a long process, and requires the patient to have a lot of patience and a good work ethic.